★: Very bad quality of services and products provided.
★★: Bad quality of services and products provided.
★★★: Moderate quality of services and products provided.
★★★★: Good quality of services and products provided.
★★★★★: Excellent quality of services and products provided.
Samuel Asante
Hi sir I'm Mr Samuel house maids supply agent from Ghana I have available maids who are interested to work in Jordan as maids kindly chat my WhatsApp +233256329490 or ±233242370751
Kutesa Cecilia
And let me hope this is the right company, because I still have the contract papers with the same number on it
Kutesa Cecilia
But next year after this contract i have signed i want to change, new bosses with good salary, and i dont want to live in, i want my own apartment if possible, and i request ypu please to tell my boss not to drive me straight to the airport, i want her tilo bring me to office so that i can find new bosses, i will be very happy if i get areply
Kutesa Cecilia
Hello here, am kutesa cecilia augandan, i came to jordan in 2019 and i have renewed agaun, am doing well and fine, and this is the best company ever, thank you for giving me good bosses, they treat me well and am now going to stay for the 4th year, my health is well and good and am happy were iam,